Thursday, July 10, 2008

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

Although it may sound like a livestock disease my precious little girl has come down with it this week. Much to my surprise it is a totally normal virus that many kids get. In fact, she caught it from her cousins when we spent time with them on the 4th of July. She had a high fever for 2 days and then when the fever broke she developed a red rash over her hands, feet and sores in her mouth (hence hand, foot and mouth disease). The saddest thing is that she is just miserable and won't eat or drink because it hurts her mouth. Please pray for her quick recovery.

1 comment:

kissaknee said...

wow, beka looks so grown up already. times really flies! looks like you guys have had a packed summer so far! i'll being sending out another email after my doctor's appt on Tuesday afternoon. thanks for your encouraging email. =)