Sunday, May 4, 2008

Beka's new kitchen

So Beka is almost 15 months old and believe it or not we have only bought her one toy ever and that was for Christmas! Until now we knew that all the baby stuff we had for Dane would be fine for her too. Well we have noticed over the past several weeks that whenever she is someplace that has a kitchen set she is drawn to it and can spend lots of time tinkering with it (sounds like someone I know = P ) So we decided that the time had come to get her a kitchen of her very own.

Daddy took the kiddos to Toys R Us on Tuesday night and found the perfect kitchen that even had a grill on the back side to share with Dane. These photos are from Wednesday morning which is the first time the kids saw it put together. Beka immediately squealed with glee and Dane went right to work grilling hot dogs. Truth be told, I'm not sure who likes it more, Beka or Dane!

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